Wilhelm Rudolph: Holzschnitte

24.09.2022 — 19.11.2022

Wilhelm Rudolph: Holzschnitte

Wilhelm Rudolph (1889-1982) still has a home in Dresden. No other artist of his generation was able to capture the horrors of war like him. His woodcuts from the cycle "The Destroyed Dresden", acquired by the Kupferstichkabinett in 1959, are still depressingly topical today. However, this master of relief printing is all too often confined to his visualisations of destruction. In this respect, his lesser-known motifs may seem like a revelation. Whether austere and geometric as in the 1920s or of an almost pointillist softness, whether animal, landscape or female nude, the exhibition shows Wilhelm Rudolph's life-affirming side.


Opening Hours

Montag-Freitag 10-18 Uhr, Samstag 10-16 Uhr