Exhibition + Vernissage // Sara Hoppe – Fragments

12.09.2021 — 03.10.2021

Exhibition + Vernissage // Sara Hoppe – Fragments

With the upcoming exhibition in the WERKRaum of GEH8, the artist Sara Hoppe shows new works that were created as part of a working scholarship of the state capital Dresden 2020. On display are paintings on canvas, processed with an orbital sander, typefaces on tracing paper as well as collages on paper. Here, essential processes of transformation and alienation become visible. They manifest themselves in multi-layered surfaces, fragmentary elements formed into ornamentation, and romantic motifs systematically transformed into a new pictorial structure. Responsible for the curation and supervision of the exhibition is Thomas Judisch.  

Vernissage: Saturday, September 11, 2021, 16:00-20:00.

Duration: September 12 – October 03, 2021

When: Open by appointment

Where: GEH8 WERKRaum

Contact: mail@geh8.de

(Work: Sara Hoppe: bye,bye, bye, 2020, pencil on tracing paper, 21 x 29,7 cm)


Opening Hours

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