Vivid | Elizabeth Orr

21.06.2018 — 29.07.2018

PYLON-Lab proudly presents the solo exhibition „Vivid“ by artist and filmmaker Elizabeth Orr.

Opening: June 21st, 2018 from 6pm - 10pm


Elizabeth Orr will present her film „MT RUSH” as a multimedia installation, accompanied by a series of new sculptural works for the exhibition.

In the presented works, Orr extends the word vivid to visuality and also linguistics, evoking strong visual and distinct mental images.


„MT RUSH” (2016), is a layered reflection of social phenomena and their structural composition. As a near-future science fiction video, the film chronicles a Mount Rushmore National Park ranger’s struggle with an overload of incoming fundraising emails, in the course of the United States presidential election of 2016. The film exposes the invasive manner of language and use of technology in the light of campaigning and fundraising during the election. Orr visualises an user interface that is omnipresent in the everyday life of the film’s protagonist, exemplifying an increasingly connected society in the current digital age.


Orr’s interdisciplinary work resonates a performative character in order to create dialogue, which stems from an underlying, yet undeniable element of theatricality. As its given conventions in theatre, this element reflects on a distinct selection of materiality and context as they occur in Orr’s works. Both are serving as a casting – not to put on a show -, but to reflect social structures, by means of mirroring the hyperbolic nature of modern society’s issues like power, influence and ethics.


Elizabeth Orr (*1984), who lives and works in New York, USA, has presented her work in numerous international exhibitions and is – apart from teaching and lecturing in several institutions – involved in different art projects like reviving her father Eric Orr’s light and stage set for „Five Sisters“, or her collaborations with artists Micah Angelus and Emma Hedditch.


Please join us for the opening of the exhibition Vivid on Thursday, June 21st from 6 pm to 22 pm.


Opening Hours

Thursday 16:00 – 19:00 Friday 16:00 – 19:00 Saturday 13:00 – 16:00