VEILS OF BECOMING - Vermittelte Wirklichkeiten

08.03.2025 — 05.04.2025

VEILS OF BECOMING - Vermittelte Wirklichkeiten
Grafik: Nicola E. Petek

Peter Böhnisch, Victoria Heifez, Dennis Scholl
Curated by Nicola E. Petek

8 March to 5 April
Kunstverein Meißen e.V.

The exhibition explores how the artists tackle the complex mechanisms of mediating reality, be it through social constructs, psychological processes or by thematising the becoming of one's own identity. Through their different artistic strategies, the exhibition offers an insightful look at how mediated experiences shape our own understanding of the world and ourselves. Their own work is used as a tool to question, criticise or re-imagine the past, present and future.


Opening Hours

Mittwoch bis Samstag 11 - 17 Uhr. Eintritt frei.