27.05.2017 — 28.05.2017
With Ahmet Kavas, Mila Panić und Saša Tatić. Artistic Direction: Prof. Danica Dakić, Claire Waffel, Ina Weise and Jirka Reichmann
How does a river become the sea? How does it feel like walking in the shoes of a stranger? Last fall, with the first »Walk Of Art«, there were many performances to be seen in the city, dealing with these questions of arriving, settling, traveling, of familiarities and unfamiliarities. Parts of these artworks will be performed again in the public space in the old city of Dresden – watch out for them!
How does a river become the sea? How does it feel like walking in the shoes of a stranger? Last fall, with the first »Walk Of Art«, there were many performances to be seen in the city, dealing with these questions of arriving, settling, traveling, of familiarities and unfamiliarities. Parts of these artworks will be performed again in the public space in the old city of Dresden – watch out for them!
Kunsthaus Dresden @ robotron-Kantine
Geschäftsadresse: Barockviertel Dresden / Neustadt, Rähnitzgasse 8
Opening Hours
robotron-Kantine ab dem 5. Mai wieder geöffnet | Das Kunsthaus an der Rähnitzgasse hat derzeit geschlossen | Garten-Kunst-Projekte in der FLORA I e.V., Bergmannstraße 39, DD-Striesen: täglich geöffnet