01.04.2016 — 07.04.2016

Captain Lightfoot Collective aka Anneli Holmstrom, Emma Pratt, Kadie Salmon (UK)
+ Maximilian Stühlen (DD)
STRANGE LOOP will explore the concept of symbolism and narrative inrelation to sculptural form. The focus will be on the individual object: exploring the shifting narrative structures present within sculptures and their occupied space. To do this, the artists will consider how the assemblage and alteration of physical components within an artwork affects and distorts its inherent symbolic components.
The new works of each artist will be reassembled daily over the course of the exhibition, inviting viewers to re-visit the shifting works and forge new readings from each new alteration.
At EX14 in Dresden, the three artist of Captain Lighfoot will work alongside Dresden based artist Maximilian Stühlen. STRANGE LOOP will develop and grow into another show which will take place later in the year in Trondheim, Norway.
01.04.2016, 19–22 Uhr
opening times:
02. + 03.04.2016, 3–6 pm
04.04. + 05.04.2016, 4–6 pm
06.04.2016, 10–12 pm
07.04.2016, 8 pm: artist talk with Friederike Sigler (HfBK Dresden)