SPIELRÄUME. UTE NAUE-MÜLLER Keramikobjekte | MICHAEL HOFMANN Malerei und Grafik parallel im Schauraum: Künstler der Galerie

08.02.2024 — 27.04.2024

SPIELRÄUME. UTE NAUE-MÜLLER Keramikobjekte | MICHAEL HOFMANN Malerei und Grafik parallel im Schauraum: Künstler der Galerie
Ute Naue-Müller (*1960 Dresden) Dresdner Barock 2, 2023, Weisser Steinzeugton, Foto: Ute Naue-Müller

We cordially invite you

to the vernissage on Thursday, 8 February 24, 7 pm

and to further visits to the sales exhibition.

Opening speech: Dr Ingrid Koch, cultural journalist

We are taking Michael Hofmann's 80th birthday as a joyful occasion to present his works together with the ceramic objects of artist Ute Naue-Müller. The works of both artists fascinate with their humorous richness of imagination and brilliantly refined craftsmanship.

2024 | 100 years of KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG KÜHL in Dresden.

Programme of events: www.kunstausstellung-kuehl.de

Sa 4 May, 5 pm

Opening of the anniversary exhibition part I.

Artists of the gallery owners Heinrich and Johannes Kühl. The period from 1924 to 1994


Opening Hours

Mi - Fr 11–19 Uhr, Sa 11-16 Uhr oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung