Outside the Bounding Box – junge Designpositionen zu künstlicher Intelligenz

01.06.2022 — 06.06.2022

Outside the Bounding Box – junge Designpositionen zu künstlicher Intelligenz

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is the ubiquitous pacemaker of automation. At the same time, it is a projection surface for speculative futures. It is already there and yet always in the process of being created, always remains a draft, and must be shaped and redesigned. In the process of machine learning, the AI is trained with comprehensive data sets, e.g. with millions of images, in order to be able to create a model of the world. So-called bounding boxes frame the objects in the image that have been recognized and classified by the machine. What lies outside the bounding box is virtually non-existent for the AI. As a self-organized team of bachelor and master students of the Faculty of Design at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, we show a spectrum of critical, experimental and artistic works. The projects make it possible to experience in an aesthetic way what is outside of what is visible and classifiable for the machine.We invite you to Outside the Bounding Box to think together about the present and the future with AI, to discuss it and to actively shape it.

Bastian Caspari
Robin Escher
Paul Förster
Bernadette Geiger
Lasse Grimm
Robert Hellwig
Felix Hoffmann
Victoria Itter
Emily Krause
Hannah Charlotte Krause
Jessica Lasch
Franz Richter
Nico Rützel
Lina Schwarzenberg
Levi Ameon Stone
Vanessa Wahls
Ella Zickerick

Bernadette Geiger; Emily Krause; Lina Schwarzenberg; Levi Stein; Helena Strauch Stoll;Vanessa Wahls; Ella Zickerick

Prof. Dr. phil. Florian A. Schmidt Prof.
Dipl.-Des. Sebastian Schmieg

Duration: 01 – 06 June 2022
Vernissage: Wednesday, 01. June | Start: 18.30 clock
Opening hours:
Thursday/Friday, June 02 & 03 | 4 – 8 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday, 04. & 05. June | 14 – 20 o’clock
Monday, June 06 | 4 – 8 p.m.
Where: GEH8

This project is supported by:
- Kulturförderung des Studentenwerks
- HTW Dresden Fakultät Design


Opening Hours

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