Neighbourhoods 2025

11.05.2019 — 25.08.2019

Neighbourhoods 2025

A Manufacture of Visions for Dresden and Europe

The future is already here: We are living in the midst of changes taking place in European society and culture that are extremely tangible and affect urgent ecological issues, the transformation of the public sphere and communication in urban communities, and the cultural mobility of people and institutions: Which new role do culture and the contemporary arts assume in this scenario, and how do these changes inevitably alter the established formats of cultural work with regard to its principle of sender and receiver?

Mobility, as a figure of thought of exchange and work on the future, enables the actors to leave their static positions and jointly provide new impetus. In this context, neighborhood stands for the experience of the successfully lived diversity of fates and life plans, as well as mutual support as a principle of urban life. Neighborhood also stands for actively taking concrete measures to secure the future – on location and Europe-wide.

In an exhibition to be held in April 2019 that merges contemporary art, design, and visions of the future in a novel way, the Kunsthaus Dresden will present the results of more than 120 participants thinking and designing together. These are the first steps of the process of implementing the visions for 2025 and the following years.
Supported by the European architects and designers collective ConstructLab, seven constellations of actors will start an experiment, a joint project. The drafts developed in planning processes will be presented for the first time in a show at the Kunsthaus Dresden in 2019.

Neighborhoods 2025 is a project in the frame of Dresden’s application for the title of “European Capital of Culture 2025”, sponsored by the Kulturhauptstadtbüro Dresden 2025.


Opening Hours

robotron-Kantine ab dem 5. Mai wieder geöffnet | Das Kunsthaus an der Rähnitzgasse hat derzeit geschlossen | Garten-Kunst-Projekte in der FLORA I e.V., Bergmannstraße 39, DD-Striesen: täglich geöffnet