#MODERN. Lala Aufsberg, Karl Theodor Gremmler, Fritz Block
25.07.2024 — 12.10.2024

The visual language of the New Vision developed during the Weimar Republic was adopted almost seamlessly after 1933. This is illustrated by the photographs of Karl Theodor Gremmler (1909-1941), who quickly established himself as an industrial and advertising photographer, as well as the early photographs of Lala Aufsberg (1907-1976), who was able to seamlessly continue her career as an architectural photographer in Germany after 1945. The photojournalist Fritz Block (1889-1955), originally an architect of Neues Bauen, was accepted into the circle of the international avant-garde as a photographer from 1929, but had to reorientate himself in the USA after his emigration in 1938.
The third exhibition in the Deutsche Fotothek's anniversary year follows in the footsteps of photographic modernism in the 1930s.
Opening Hours
Montag bis Freitag 10-18 Uhr Samstag 14-18 Uhr