Matti Sumari // corrupted full of life

20.01.2018 — 28.01.2018

Matti Sumari // corrupted full of life
Opening hours at the DCA Galerierundgang: 12-18 o'clock!


Schimmel Projects - Art Centre Dresden is proud to open its 2018-programme with an exhibition by the Helsinki-born artist Matti Sumari. corrupted full of life. Matti Sumari received his MFA at the Academy of Fine Arts in Umeå, Sweden, in 2014 and has since then been living in Malmö, where he is also part of the artist-run exhibition space, Alta Art Space.


corrupted full of life takes it departure at the industrial harbour of Malmö. Two sisters sit on a rock in the water where they contemplate on their situation, vaguely aware of the synthetic, artificial nature of themselves and their surroundings. Their mutant sisters - Residuals/Age of Shiny - come from the same artificial stretch of land built out of rubble and contaminated waste. A big truck passes by on the road. Advertisement signs created from crates for food logistics rotate through the power of microwave oven motors, flashing the secrets of the stock market. Wanna know the Fibonacci secret?
The milieu of the industrial harbour of Malmö tells its own testimony on global commerce, consumerism and urban ecology.


In this J.G. Ballard-like sci-fi scenario Matti Sumari reflects on our inescapable relation to the economic system we have built for ourselves. He reuses the debris of the industrial landscape to imagine a futuristic trash-animism, applying premodern mindsets to the man-made and controlled environment of today.


Matti Sumari has exhibited widely internationally, and we are happy to present him for the first time in Dresden. The exhibition is kindly supported by the Freundeskreis der HfBK Dresden and Cafe OHA.


Exhibition period: 18.1-28.1.2018
Opening hours: Thursday-Sunday 14-17h.
by DCA Galerierundgang 20.1.18: 12-18h.
Schimmel Projects - Art Centre Dresden
Großenhainer Straße 61-63, 01127 Dresden


Opening Hours
