Matthias Schroller - Painting

28.10.2017 — 26.11.2017

Matthias Schroller, "robotron", 2010, Oil on Canvas, 110 cm x 135 cm


About: Matthias Schroller

Foto: Luc Saalfeld

Born 1963 in Gardelegen (Altmark) | 1981 Studies in Art Education and German at the University of Greifswald | 1988-91 Research grant of the university of Greifswald at the art university of Berlin-Weißensee | Studies of painting with Dieter Goltzsche | 1991-93 Guest lecturer for the education of art educators in Greifswald, care for the print workshop, courses for painting and etching | 1993-95 Exhibition designer and project leader art club Potsdam | 1994-99 Studies in painting at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden | 1999-2001 master student with Max Uhlig | since 2001 self-employed in Dresden | Exhibtions et al at Greifswald, Berlin, Mühlheim, Potsdam, Dresden, München, Chemnitz, Reutlingen, Dessau, Leipzig, Tbilisi (Georgia) | Public art ownership: Städtische Galerie Albstadt, Städtische Galerie Chemnitz, Sächsische Aufbaubank, Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, Foundation Sammlung Lichtenstein as well as private ownership


Opening Hours

Fr. & Sa.12-20 Uhr, So. 12-18 Uhr