Dresden – Los Angeles. Von den Kamera-Werkstätten zum Studio City Camera Exchange


Dresden – Los Angeles. Von den Kamera-Werkstätten zum Studio City Camera Exchange
Studio City Camera Exchange, Ventura Boulevard, Los Angeles/Kalifornien © Familienarchiv Thorsch, Santa Barbara, USA

Descendants of the Dresden entrepreneur Benno Thorsch (1898-2003) have made a significant donation to the Technical Collections 2023. This will now be presented as part of an exhibition. Thorsch co-founded the Guthe & Thorsch camera workshops in 1919 and emigrated to the USA in 1937. In the film city of Los Angeles, he and his son Bernward (1920-2015) ran a successful photography and camera trading business for many decades. Selected items from the extensive donation trace the path of a Jewish entrepreneurial family from Dresden to California and bear witness to their lifelong fascination with photography and camera technology.


Opening Hours

Di – Fr 9 bis 17 Uhr, Sa / So / Feiertag 10 bis 18 Uhr