Concrete Plans Collective

03.10.2024 — 13.10.2024

Concrete Plans Collective
Concrete Plans Collective

Can a collective find each other via a blind date?
Driven by the deep desire to establish a sustainable artistic exchange between Athens and Dresden, five artists from Athens and three from Dresden came together in September 2023 at Gallery OkaySpace in the heart of Athens to find out exactly that.

In addition to the artistic exchange, questions about collective processes were also raised. Can we commit to previously unknown people and explore what we have in common in the unknown? Can we learn to value our differences, develop constructive perspectives out of crises and advance a heterogeneous international artistic discourse in all of this? Our answer - HellYes!

In September, this research will now be continued in Dresden, as a guest in the round corner of riesa efau in Friedrichstadt, which serves as a work and exhibition space.

Residency 15.09.2024 - 03.10.2024

Vernissage 03.10. 7 pm
Exhibition 04. -13.10.2024

Instagram: @concreteplans_collective

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 4pm-7pm, Mon+Thu 10am-1pm


Areti Polymenidi

Babak Ahteshamipour

Hannah Doepke

Ioanna Kanellopoulou

Maria Heidler

Nicolai Leicher

Savvas Tsimouris

Stavros Kapetanios


Concrete Plans Collective