Berührt von Caspar David Friedrich

06.09.2024 — 25.10.2024

Berührt von Caspar David Friedrich

We cordially invite you to the

opening of the exhibition "Touched by Capar David Friedrich"

by the Pommersche Künstlerbund e.V. from Greifswald.

In a joint exhibition, the Pommersche Künstlerbund e.V. from the birthplace of Caspar David Friedrich is showing works of art in which the impression, influence and inspiration left by the work of Caspar David Friedrich can be seen in a variety of ways.

The opening begins on Friday, 6 September at 7 pm.

The introductory words will be spoken by Karin Schmidt from the Pommersche Künstlerbund e.V.


Opening Hours

Mittwoch & Freitag (und auf Anfrage) 16 bis 19 Uhr