Baumwild Gudrun Brückel, Jarek Gräber, Mario Niese und Hanna Sachau

27.05.2024 — 03.06.2024

Baumwild Gudrun Brückel, Jarek Gräber, Mario Niese und Hanna Sachau

Vernissage: 27 May 2024, 20:00

Four people were together in the forest - in Saxon Switzerland, a hike around the Affensteine - and the four of them, amateurs and professionals alike,  took photographs.
It was a chance encounter after which they set off together, with the intention of photographically realising their own perceptions by walking, seeing and being together.
The home environment, inevitably also under the impression of changing environmental conditions, seen through four different glasses.... nothing more and nothing less is shown.

Through its partly installative form, the exhibition offers its own space for experience. It brings together the different photographic positions in such a way that once again the subjective nature of perception becomes tangible.


Opening Hours

Mo–Do 10:00–16:00 | Sa nach Vereinbarung