"alles Liebe, Deine..."

18.05.2024 — 29.06.2024

Exhibition project in cooperation with the HfBK Dresden

a l l e s   l i e b e,  d e i n e . . .  A l l e s   L i e b e ,   D e i n e . . . 


Students of the HfBK Dresden - Class Prof.. Helen Verhoeven

Sebin Choi / Wibke Conrad / Emiel Donath / Elias Fiedler / Sophie Gebel / Clemens Guenther / Malin Hacker / Leo Himburg Hammerer/

Yeji Kim / Karol Klugowski / Lara Kubsch / Marina lastra-Alvarez / Anna Leventi / Florentine Luedecke / Giovanni Mezzetti / Maria Paetzold /

Andrea Paloczi / Jannik Schindler / Annika Schwarz / Antonia Silbermann / Elizaveta Sivakova / Fabian Stark / Sarah Steuer / Michael Tauschke /

Lea Tofahrn / Quang Minh Tran / Rosalie Upmeier / Jan Christoph Wagner

All the love, Yours ...

is nostalgic.

To entrust something to a piece of paper means to let thoughts exist in reality, to be able to touch them.

In times of social media, how do we actually express intimacy in the midst of non-stop arriving and sending messages?

Our communication is like a constant, timeless exchange, very different from letters, which seem to close something off and can leave a sadness behind.

So every painted picture is a mental end, but at the same time an incentive to continue the inner dialogue with the fictitious you on the outside.

A language full of secrets and questions.

Honestly naive, old and new.

Exhibition from 18 May to 29 June 2024

. June 2024

Opening times _ Thu 4 - 7 pm | Fri + Sat 3 - 6 pm

In these times of many questions, uncertainties and paradigm shifts, rapid technological and social changes, the exhibition title "Alles Liebe, Deine ..." ("All love, yours ...") is an affront with a cheerful affection and humanity that conveys confidence.

This year, we are delighted to introduce another new professor at the Dresden University of Fine Arts, Helen Verhoeven, and her student class, whose teaching in Dresden, which began in April 2023, focuses primarily on the traditional artistic medium of painting and drawing and explores their impact and significance in current times in a new way.

Helen Verhoeven, who was born in the Netherlands, studied in Amsterdam (NL) and in the USA (San Francisco and New Yourk) and enjoys international recognition for her art.

Through this exhibition, her class of 28 art students from different semesters will provide an insight into the content and aesthetic programme of her artistic teaching.


Opening Hours

Do 16-19 Uhr, Frei/Sa 15-18 Uhr