3 x 65 = Kunst aus Breslau, Coventry und Dresden
15.03.2024 — 15.05.2024

The exhibition on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Dresden's twinning with Wroclaw and Coventry brings together three artistic positions from each of the three twinned cities. On display are works by Ioannis Anastasiou (Wroclaw), Sharon Baker (Coventry), Majka Dokudo-wicz (Wroclaw), Jack Foster (Coventry), Karen Koschnick (Dresden), Vinicius Libardoni (Wroclaw), Christian Manss (Dresden), Falk Töpfer (Dresden) and John Yeadon (Coventry). All exhibiting artists will be present at the vernissage.
The works reflect the results and impulses of the lively exchange of artists between the twin cities in the genres of painting, drawing and printmaking. While the artist exchange with Wroclaw is mainly organised by the cultural offices of both cities, a private artists' initiative, the Coventry/Dresden Arts Exchange Circle of Friends, founded in 2011, is active in Coventry. Both artist exchange programmes are funded by the state capital Dresden.
Opening Hours
Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr 9 – 18 Uhr, außer an Feiertagen