now is the only time I know

18.06.2020 — 26.06.2020

now is the only time I know
works of Mona Freudenreich

Existence in the framework as we know it depends on our perception of time. Future and past unite in the now, the now is eternal, no other time is physically experiencable for us. By means of memory, emotions and material objects we create the past, the future remains in the realm of the uncertain or intuitive - we remember the past, but not the future. Individual time is limited, but time does not end with the end of the individual. It was before us and will be after us, measuring time is only of interest to humans. Finiteness determines our physical existence, but not our actions. In human absence, action takes place, which in its dynamics follows its own rules. The only thing we can add to this as observers is the poetry of recognizing this.

Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden

Senatssaal, Brühlsche Terrasse 1, 01067 Dresden



Opening Hours

Mi – So | 11 –18 Uhr