My Mere Me // Mein Blosses Ich

08.08.2016 — 18.08.2016

My Mere Me // Mein Blosses Ich

My Mere Me is an exhibition based on coincidental meeting of few young international artists, who came to Dresden on the occasion of Summer Academy for visual arts. While participating in courses or helping with organization as interns, they discovered that their current art works have something in common: observation of the world with increased sensitivity and revealing of things that are hidden deeply in human psyche or/and society structures.

Various ways and media uncover similar topics of systematic oppression, uncertainty, and weight of life in nowadays world, societal sicknesses and learned structures occupying human brains. Dark topics are not necessarily recognizable on the first sight - as in the world itself, but with deeper observation they are becoming more and more unsettling. While balancing on the boarder between inner worlds and things that are "outside", one cannot be sure if those art pieces are just coincidentally similar individual feelings - or if they could be considered as symptoms of common feelings created by our epoch. Left in uncertainty, we can be sure just about fact, that contemporary art still creates tension in between inner worlds and things that are outside - society, relationships, institutions, world itself.

Jessica Larum (USA)
Lisa James (DE)
Šimon Sýkora (CZ)

Curated by: Petra Widžová

06. August - 18. August
Mo - Fr | 10am -1pm + 4-8 pm
Kultur Forum
Galerie Adlergasse
Wachsbleichstraße 4a
01067 Dresden




Mi-Fr 15-19 Uhr Sa-So 14-18 Uhr