Workshop by Anna Mukhanova - Ukrainian decorative painting


Workshop by Anna Mukhanova - Ukrainian decorative painting
Anna Mukhanova is a performance artist, singer and painter from Odesa, Ukraine, who lives now as a refugee in Dresden. As part of a planned series of workshops about Ukrainian traditions and culture, she will hold a free of charge workshop about Petrykivka painting, a traditional Ukrainian decorative painting style, that was used to decorate house walls or household items, but now develops also as modern art form.

The first part of the workshop will be a lecture about the art form, while in the second part the participants will be able to paint for themselves. At the end everybody will have one or even more paintings that they can take home.

The workshop will take place on the 3.12. at 18:00 in the KulturCentrale, Hechtstr. 17 and finish around 19:30. Afterwards there will be the possibility to try food from the artist cooking lounge and at 20:00 the Finissage of the digital art exhibition “Eins und Unendlichkeit” will take place in which Anna Mukhanova also exhibits an artwork.

Please register, so that we know how many people are coming:

If you want to support the art project you can make a small donation for the colours, pencils and paper used.