Occupation Occupancy, Orchestrating Overpowering and Ownership of Utopias

07.11.2019 — 08.03.2020

We would like to take up the spirit of optimism of 1989, the energy of that time, shaped by hope, the striving for change and the freedom to create oneself, and ask what the utopias of that time can mean for us today. Which are still important today or again, which were not formulated in 1989/90 and were missing in the period that followed? What do the events of that time have to do with today's situation, especially in eastern Germany? Can utopias today serve as models for civil society and/or political action? We approach the themes and questions with artistic means in word, image, music, film, lecture, conversation or discussion.

Together with our cooperation partners, numerous artists future hostess John Klein and a performance by Martin Zet we will open the exhibition part of the project. And the Verkauf-Musique from Prague will provide the sound with its piece "Die Maketten 2019"! Déjà-vu on some things we knew from totalitarianism, recalling against oblivion, two men talk about absurd machines. It is a bit dangerous, secret, conspiratorial.



Opening Hours

Mi-Fr 15-19 Uhr Sa-So 14-18 Uhr