unfold, Jakob Flohe, Zeichnungen
10.01.2025 — 21.02.2025

The actual beginning of the day; the becoming of the forms - the serration of the plane tree leaves lying on the wet asphalt - and the passing of the forms onto me, through which I am replaced and expanded.
(from Peter Handke, Gestern unterwegs, Aufzeichnungen November 1987 bis Juli 1990)
Jakob Flohe captures the essentially fleeting appearance of space and time in moving drawings - formerly in rhythmically flowing linear settings executed with brush and ink, for some years now with strictly geometric, mostly white coloured pencil drawings on black cardboard.
Although the drawings neither depict the visible world nor make direct reference to it, they also reflect a poetic to edgy rationally masked essence of the subjective recording and processing of reality.
Opening Hours
Montag bis Freitag 16:00 — 19:00 Uhr, Montag und Donnerstag 10:00 — 13:00 Uhr