
08.08.2016 — 18.08.2016

Stip(p)visite exhibition shows art pieces of Riesa Efau's scholarship holders, which were created during the Summer academy for visual arts.

Every year Riesa Efau Kultur forum Dresden invites international art students to choose workshop of their interest and broaden their artistic approach. Emphasis is placed on collaborative interdisciplinary work and the exhibition at Runde Ecke gallery space is an outcome of this cooperation.

Dalibor Knapp (CZ) // Video workshop
Kornelia Dzikowska (PL) // Video workshop
Anežka Nováková (CZ) // Plastic installation
Caroline Scheel (DE) // Plastic installation
Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak (PL) // Painting I
Šimon Sýkora (CZ) // Painting I
Sabine Schober (DE) // Painting II

Curator: Petra Widžová

06. August - 18. August
Mo - Fr | 10am - 1pm + 4 - 8pm
Kultur Forum
Runde Ecke
Wachsbleichstraße 4a
01067 Dresden


Opening Hours

Mi-Fr 15-19 Uhr Sa-So 14-18 Uhr