08.04.2022 — 29.05.2022


BURN BY STAYING COOL is the title of a solo exhibition by the internationally acclaimed Bosnian artist Šejla Kamerić. It brings together for the first time a number of recent large-format artistic installations as well as works and interventions developed on-site in the rooms of the former robotron-canteen.

An artistic dialogue has been developed with the building and the layers of past, present and future embedded here. Šejla Kamerić’s artworks address burning issues about human existence, consumer culture, mass migration, war and the preservation of vital resources.

Touching on a variety of contexts, including the fashion industry, the artist makes visible the sharp contours of a present characterised by disproportionate rises in consumption and waste caused by a privileged fraction of our global citizenship, starkly contrasted with existential threats to our planetary survival and the many facing resource scarcity.

In her artistic work, Kamerić combines installation and photography with participatory actions, and she experiments with alternative visions of sharing in
both public space and social media. At the beginning of 2022 the public art action The Party is over was the artistic as well as participatory kick-off in Dresden’s public space. Šejla Kamerić collected the contributions uploaded under the #thepartyisover2020s and processed them for parts of the exhibition in the robotron-canteen. Her works and installations are often process-based, emphasising the patterns that recur across myriad global situations, and drawing attention to the interdependence of historical and current events.

Kamerić herself was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1976, and through her conscious decisions to live and work between Sarajevo, Istria and Berlin, different biographical and geopolitical perspectives become vividly clear.

We are looking forward to your visit and the encounter with you!


Šejla Kamerić „Burn by Staying Cool“ (April 8th until May 29th)

Wed-Fri: 16-19:00

Sat/Sun: 12-19:00

Entrance free

robotron-canteen / Lingnerallee at the Skatepark / 01069 Dresden


Das Projekt THE PARTY IS OVER findet statt in Zusammenarbeit mit / takes place in collaboration with Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Saxon State and University Library, SLUB) und / and Zentralbibliothek – Städtische Bibliotheken Dresden (Central Library Dresden)