Salon zum Ausstellungsfinale "Fotografien aus Krisengebieten - fotografieren in Krisengebieten" mit Heinrich Völkel
11.07.2024 — 12.07.2024

For the exhibition finale, the Fotoforum invites you to a hybrid salon with one of the exhibiting artists, Heinrich Völkel (Ostkreuz Agency). We would like to explore current visual documents and photographic perspectives on and from crisis areas and cordially invite you to join us. Participation is possible on site and online. We will send the access data to all registered participants on Thursday afternoon. The header image shows many stereotypes to be questioned, which also influence current AI models (here Dall-E3) at the prompt: "photography in crisis areas positively".
Opening Hours
Öffnungszeiten: Do/Fr 16-19 und Sa 14-18 Uhr