05.09.2024 — 23.11.2024

05 September to 23 November 2024
VENDER OPENING on 05 September 2024, beginning 19.00 h
Welcome: Janett Noack, gallery owner
Introductory words: Karin Weber, art historian
Concert: "Jazztrio Dresden" with Roger Tietke saxophone, Moritz Töpfer piano & Michael Gramm drums/percussion
We cordially invite you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition "Rollenspiele" with works by the artist Steffen Fischer on Thursday, 05. September 2024, at 7.00 pm in the gallery kunst & eros. The artist Steffen Fischer will be present.
Steffen Fischer is an important representative in the Saxon art landscape who absolutely must be presented in a solo exhibition. In this exhibition, he shows us a variety of recent drawings, pastels, watercolours and paintings. The artist is known for his extroverted visual language. His central theme is men and women in their sexual relationship. In doing so, he succeeds in overturning the traditional understanding of the roles of men and women.
In his drawings, he allows his provocative, voyeuristic intoxication to flow.
Tirelessly and ecstatically demanding, colours react with the line and let chance tell the story...
We are looking forward to an entertaining and lively programme of art & music!
Galerie Kunst & Eros
Hauptstraße 15, In der Kunsthandwerkerpassage
Opening Hours
Montag bis Samstag von 11 bis 15 Uhr