Raum, Struktur und Fläche
30.08.2024 — 22.11.2024

The second exhibition in the new annual series "In the midst of nature" by the free and open group of artists "Pleinair" shows works by Julius Clausnitzer, Anna Gorsleben, Susanne Haase, Sabine Heinrich and Henry Puchert. In this exhibition, the focus is on translating the structured and weighted onto the picture surface: spatial, material and immaterial qualities of the representational can be transferred to picture surfaces using graphic and painterly means, so that the depicted can have an immediate effect as the essence of existence. The real world is transformed into a pictorial world. Its independent existential characteristics can be perceived by the viewer in complete freedom and make other strings resound than nature is capable of. This raises the question of whether the translation of the natural into art is able to translate the previously spatial structures into pictorial ones, so that viewers can find their way into the pictorial worlds with their senses and move around, and the individual experiences of nature and art merge into their own spaces of perception and thought as they look.
Opening Hours
Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr 9 – 18 Uhr, außer an Feiertagen