
15.08.2024 — 25.08.2024

audiovisuelle Ausstellung über die Außengrenzen der EU | audiovisual exhibition on the EU's external border


Pushback, the bad word of the year 2021 (GfdS, 2021).

The so-called "pushback" refers to the rejection and pushing back of people seeking protection in violation of international law. Refugees are usually violently pushed back immediately after crossing the border. Anonymous soldiers with balaclavas, guns and batons chase people back across the border - without any examination of their reasons for fleeing, without giving them the opportunity to apply for asylum, far removed from any legality and yet desired and organised by the state.

It was the bad word of the year because it trivialises, no, conceals the violence that pushback entails. Pushback rather suggests that a danger is being pushed back - pushed back.

The danger does not come from those who flee. Those who push are dangerous.

How bad must it be for you to take this path? Over and over again.

And what kind of place is it that people on the run have to return to after trying to cross the border three, four, sometimes even ten times and being violently pushed back again and again.

What does this border look like.

What does this border sound like?

What does this border mean?

We invite you to ask yourself these questions.

Come along to our audiovisual exhibition:


Opening with Küfa on 15.08 from 18.00

Exhibition duration 16.08 - 25.08

Open daily 16.00 - 21.00 hrs

You can look forward to a rich and varied supporting programme that runs parallel to the exhibition and consists of various events such as testimonies, discussions, short film screenings and music: 
 - a panel discussion about queer people on the run on 21. August
 - a film screening followed by a talk by Mission Lifeline
 - a short film about a person on the run by the Dresden Association for German-Kurdish Encounters
 - possibly an evening with a contact group on deportation detention
Stay tuned for more information and updates by keeping an eye on our respective media channels on insta and telegram:


Opening Hours
