One More Every Day

04.02.2020 — 29.02.2020

One More Every Day
Opening: 31.01.2020 4-9 pm

"One More Every Day" is an exhibition that follows the curatorial approach of an open ongoing process. Over the coming weeks, new works from the individual oeuvres of the artists will be added continuously. Work by work, in constant growth and change, the works unite to form a consciously intuitive overall picture, the result of which remains unknown in advance. The flexibility often demanded in one's own life is here applied to the process-like concept of the exhibition. At the same time, the group exhibition sees itself as a retrospective of the gallery's 30 years of activity, in which the artists and their works occupy a constant place in its history. The positions gathered in the exhibition stand for themselves in their quality, but also enter into a common dialogue in their concentrated coexistence and establish exciting relationships with the respective other works.


Opening Hours

Mi - Fr 11:00 - 18:00 / Sa 12:00 - 16:00