Moderne Reklame und Propaganda. Fotografische Karrieren 1933–1945, ihre Vorläufer und Nachfolger
Photography had a contradictory status in the Nazi state: the images were modern, occasionally even avant-garde, while the content conveyed was backward-looking and distracted from the atrocities of the regime with beautiful views - an education to look away precisely through the medium of photography. The examples of Karl Theodor Gremmler (and his temporary business partner Hein Gorny), Lala Aufsberg and the exile Fritz Block will be used to show how these demands were reflected in the oeuvre of photographers.
Speaker: Rolf Sachsse, Bonn, Moderator: Mike Schmeitzner, HAIT
In cooperation with the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research (HAIT) at the TU Dresden
Start: 7 pm
Opening Hours
Montag bis Freitag 10-18 Uhr Samstag 14-18 Uhr