04.09.2020 — 08.10.2020

For the fourth time already, the Motorenhalle opens its doors for the final exhibition of the master students* of the Dresden University of Fine Arts.

Lisa Maria Baier, Käthe Elter, Darja Eßer, Johanna Failer, Omani Frei, Daniel Grams, Dominique Hille, Amelie Hüneke, Euiyoung Hwang, Alum Lee, Nora Mesaros, Maria Katharina Morgenstern, Carolin Richter, Pietro Sabatelli, Josefine Schulz, Maximilian Stühlen, Tatsuma Takeda

For the fourth time already, the Motorenhalle opens its doors for the final exhibition of the master students* of the Dresden University of Fine Arts. With this exhibition, the young artists* are completing their two-year master class studies at Dresden University of the Arts.

On display are works that were created during this time. They provide an overview of the diverse forms of artistic expression of young contemporary art.

This year's focus is on painting and drawing. Naive, ironic comments on the genre of portrait and figure, which focus on the lifestyle of the generation of artists, meet abstract positions. Here, pictorial inventions from the beginnings of non-objective painting are combined with digital visual worlds. Strictly built formations, rhythms and patterns are juxtaposed with freely unfolding color formations. In the drawings there are narrative positions and sheets that interpret the Informel in a contemporary way.

The classical media are supplemented by video and sound works. Here the range extends from everyday sounds to digitally generated visual worlds. The medium of photography will also be represented. Sculptural and installative positions are dedicated to various beings from dachshunds to the fantastic expansion of the self through the work of art. One work explores the possibility of dissolving authorship through participation and collaboration.

Due to the current situation, a conventional opening will be omitted. The exhibition is open on the opening day, 4.9.2020 from 18 - 22 o'clock.

The artists* are present.

On the opening day, 4.9.2020, the exhibition is open from 18 - 22 o'clock.
Duration of exhibition 4.9. - 8.10.2020 (Please note the changed duration)
Opening hours Wed, Thu & Fri 15-19 h, Sat & Sun 14-18 h
Admission 4/3 €, Friday free
Location: engine hall. Project center for contemporary art | Wachsbleichstr. 4a


Opening Hours

Mi – So | 11 –18 Uhr