Jedes Opfer hat einen Namen
29.01.2025 — 14.02.2025

Exhibition Kabinett
Bildungswerk Stanislaw Hantz e.V. Kassel
Opening 29.01.25 | 01.02. to 14.02.25
In the course of "Aktion Reinhardt", a total of around 1.5 million Jews were killed in the Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps between March 1942 and October 1943. These systematic murders began in the Belzec extermination camp and by December 1942 around 450,000 people had died there. They all had their own life stories, families, friends, dreams, hopes and plans. The exhibition commemorates some of these victims with biographical sketches and photographs.
Opening 29.01.25 | 6 pm | Kabinett
01.02. to 14.02.25
Open Tue 5-8 pm, Wed 4-7 pm, Sat and Sun 2-6 pm
. Sun 14-18 h
also by appointment at
A joint project of HATiKVA e.V., Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Sachsen, Förderkreis Alter Leipziger Bahnhof, Sächsischer Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus and Zentralwerk e.V.
Picture: Rywka Frajd with friends in the Lublin ghetto (1941), Copyright: Bildungswerk Stanisław Hantz