Jan C. Löbl: In the grandpa´s coat

04.05.2017 — 09.06.2017

Jan C. Löbl: In the grandpa´s coat
In the project anchored on the border between art and design Jan C. Löbl tries to depict in the Czech environment yet completely undocumented topic of textile production of Sudeten provenance. Passing through the original corporate archives, based on ancient designs he creates new collections and art installations in which he combines his own work with found ready-mades. Original crafts are in such way enriched by recent innovative technologies and contemporary art trends. In the final stage of presentation he often involves new media, too. John C. Löbl thus forms a comprehensive statement about enriching the use of indigenous sources, bequeathed by generations of inhabitants of the border regions which were active during the peak of the industrial revolution. For the author, but in general terms for contemporary German and Czech audiences, especially for young people, this project can serve as a starting point in the quest for knowledge of shared past, local memory and search for their own roots.