Industrie.Stadt.Bild. Sächsische Industriekultur in neuen Perspektiven
06.12.2024 — 01.02.2025

The exhibition INDUSTRIE.STADT.BILD shows photographs of historical industrial architecture in Saxony by Jörg Dietrich.
In collaboration with the Saxony Chamber of Architects, the ZfBK takes a look at the built industrial culture in our federal state in Jörg Dietrich's unusual
monumental perspectives. The building and cityscape perspectives in the
exhibition provide an unusual view of industrial architecture thanks to special technical processing. Instead of depicting one point of view, a series of shots were taken from several positions along the respective street frontage for the panoramas. Processed into a seamless panoramic view
- the so-called streetline - the entire facade view of the sometimes oversized
industrial buildings can be experienced, which
cannot otherwise be viewed as a whole.
The programme accompanying the exhibition can be found at:
ZfBK - Zentrum für Baukultur Sachsen
Kulturpalast Dresden, Schloßstraße 2
Opening Hours
Di - Sa 13:00-18:00 Eintritt frei