Hans-Joachim Hennig - Daydream

19.05.2018 — 17.06.2018

Hans-Joachim Hennig - Daydream

Vernissage Saturday May 19, 7pm

Word: Dr. Volkmar Billig, Rügen
Performance: Dr. Klaus Nikolai, Dresden
"Duden - Sprechen - Spielen"

About: Hans-Joachim Hennig

Born 1945 in Rendsburg / Schleswig-Holstein | Childhood and schooltime in Hamburg, Mecklenburg and Thüringen | Education as male nurse, military service, unsuccessful efforts for a study of painting and graphics in Berlin-Weißensee | Studies of cultural science/art history at the University of Leipzig | Working for the cultural department of the unions in Leipzig | Employee in a state-run design facility (Office for industrial shaping) in Dresden | Around 1990 - after a 25 years break - resumption of artistic activity, cooperation in cultural associations, participation in projects as well as own domestic and foreign exhibitions | † 2017
Exhibitions in Berlin, Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig, Kleinsassen, Moritzburg, Neschwitz, Neuzelle, Vienna/Austria, Bogota/Colombia, Quito/Ecuador


Opening Hours

Fr. & Sa.12-20 Uhr, So. 12-18 Uhr