Gudrun Trendafilov - Auf und Ab

14.06.2019 — 28.07.2019

Gudrun Trendafilov - Auf und Ab
It all starts with the color. Intuitively applied. Followed by the lines - with  delicate stroke „soft - but unerring*.

New Drawings by Gudrun Trendafilov are shown in the current exhibition AUF UND AB in the Werkgalerie of the Kreativen Werkstatt Dresden e.V.

One is touched by the drawings, like by a poem, which strikes a chord within the moment or the world. Gudrun Trendafilov is also called „the lyricist“ of the painters in Dresden.

*(Karin Müller-Kelwing, Art scientsit)



Opening Hours

Öffnungszeiten Werkgalerie: Di-Do 10-16 Uhr, Fr 14-18 Uhr, So 14.30-16.30 Uhr.