Freiheit zur Freiheit II

03.10.2018 — 28.10.2018

Freiheit zur Freiheit II
Explorations on art, democracy and the conditions of freedom. Exhibition, panel discussions, concerts and workshops on Schloss Albrechtsberg

Svea Duwe, Manaf Halbouni, Sven Johne, Daniel Kahn, Flo Kasearu, Kristina Norman, Max Kowalewski, Raul Walch, Theatre NO99, Tools for Action, Jaan Toomik, Zentrum für Politische Schönheit u.a.

An exhibition and a program of discussions and concerts of the Kunsthaus Dresden at various locations in and around the castle Albrechtsberg explores art, democracy and conditions of freedom in exchange with artists in Estonia and discusses strategies of art in times of populism and political resentment. As part of Freiraum, a project of the Goethe-Institutes in Europe, in collaboration with 53 partners from culture, science and civil society. Around 40 European cities will examine the question until March 2019: What is freedom in Europe today? Where is it endangered? How do we strengthen it?​
A project by Kunsthaus Dresden – Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art in and around Schloss Albrechtsberg in cooperation with Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Tallinn, in the frame of Freiraum.

Here is a link to the English programme!

"Freiraum" is a project of the Goethe-Instituts in Europe in cooperation with 53 actors from culture, science and civil society. Until March 2019, around 40 European cities will explore the issue: What is freedom in Europe today? Where is it endangered? How do we strengthen it?

Funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the Goethe-Institute and the Homann-Foundation.
In cooperation with the Montagscafé, a project of the Bürgerbühne of the Staatsschauspiel Dresden, the Academy of the Arts of Saxony.


Opening Hours

robotron-Kantine ab dem 5. Mai wieder geöffnet | Das Kunsthaus an der Rähnitzgasse hat derzeit geschlossen | Garten-Kunst-Projekte in der FLORA I e.V., Bergmannstraße 39, DD-Striesen: täglich geöffnet