FALTUNGEN - Karin Heyne and Katharina Lewonig

07.05.2020 — 14.06.2020

FALTUNGEN - Karin Heyne and Katharina Lewonig
The artists Karin Heyne and Katharina Lewonig are presenting experimental printgrafic works in the WERKGALERIE.

There will be no opening. The gallery is presumably open to visitors following the hygenic instructions.
There presumbly will be a Finnissage at the 14th of June at 17 :00 
Including a reading with the author Marit Heuß
The new ZÜNDBLÄTTCHEN will be relaesed with poetry by Marit Heuß and graphic art by Katharina Lewonig.

For further information, please visit our website.


Opening Hours

Öffnungszeiten Werkgalerie: Di-Do 10-16 Uhr, Fr 14-18 Uhr, So 14.30-16.30 Uhr.