Дух / Geist
23.05.2024 — 06.06.2024

Opening 23 May 2024 | 7 pm | Hole of Fame, Königsbrücker Straße 39, 01099 Dresden
Exhibition period 24 May - 6 June, open Mon/Thu by appointment, Wednesday - Saturday 16:00 - 20:00, Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
In the "Hole of Fame", the artist Liza Sivakova exhibits the figure of Napoleon as an example in order to explore questions of attitude and morality in relation to power. The works in the exhibition Дух - Geist are dedicated to an interplay of history(ies), projections, perspectives, relevance, historical facts, evaluations, dependencies and factual life. Questions of mood, atmosphere, courage, meaning and morality also resonate - these are other translations for the word Дух. And it is not without reason that we only see men. In this game for power, they are usually dominant and at the same time used for this purpose.
We recognise certain personalities based on a few contoured lines, a certain posture or striking accessories - Napoleon was no exception. Various artists of his time moulded his image of fame under his control.
Liza Sivakova draws on this almost standardised repertoire and places the figure and projection surface of Napoleon in an environment of her own choosing.
However, she was only able to choose this freely in Dresden, where she has been studying art at the HfBK Dresden for more than a year.
The figure of Napoleon was already part of her graduation project at the art academy in St. Petersburg. Here, too, he was sitting in a bathtub, but the surroundings in the picture had to be orientated towards the Napoleonic era. She was nevertheless able to incorporate small, hidden irritations into the picture, which is still in Russia. In this exhibition, she is now showing her work, as it was actually intended as a final project in St. Petersburg, and two other pictures of Napoleon.
Liza Sivakova's pronounced interest in the figure of Napoleon is not purely historical or artistic. The artist is generally concerned with questions about the spirit of power, conquest, play and war with all its consequences.However, it is also the never-ending interest in Napoleon that impresses her.It is said that only Jesus has had more books written about him.They contain contradictions that create different images depending on the perspective.
Napoleon was not interested in human losses and also reintroduced scalvism. In 1804, on the other hand, he brought the code civil into force.He was actively involved in this and thus standardised legislation in France.
It incorporated the basic ideas of the French Revolution - "liberty, equality, fraternity" - as well as the spirit of the Enlightenment. This influenced other countries in Europe and their education.
But what is behind the urge of individual people, which has existed and continues to exist throughout human history, to create an empire and wage wars for it? Is it a kind of chess game for them that the floors in the Napoleon pictures remind us of? Is it rather a delusion in which the environment, other opinions or considerations no longer exist? Does no one call and contradict?
In the exhibition, eight small pictures are grouped around the three Napoleon pictures. Napoleon stands for a façade of abstract power, no matter what pose he is in.
Is it possible to encounter this form of power in reality, or even look behind it?Can anything be recognised or assessed?Does the next move in this game trigger fear? Will the next move topple everything?
In the eight small pictures we see male emotional outburst. Men whose individual lives as fighters on the battlefield play no role for the centre of power, let alone their feelings. Although we can't look them in the eye, we can sense their emotional state - exhaustion, anger, sadness.
Can they go on? For what or for whom should they carry on?
Explizite Bezüge oder kritische Fragestellungen zu imperialen Aspekten konnte Liza Sivakova in ihre Arbeiten an der Kunsthochschule in St. Petersburg nicht einfließen lassen. In Dresden können ihre Bildwelten nun andere sein. Auch wenn der Zufall etwas mithalf, die Eröffnung ist ganz passend am 23.5. An diesem Tag wurde vor 75 Jahren das Grundgesetzes der BRD veröffentlicht. Im Artikel 5 Abs. 3 heißt es: “Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei.”
Denise Ackermann & Liza Sivakova
Opening Hours