Diplome 2020

26.09.2020 — 01.11.2020

Diplome 2020
36 diploma students exhibit

As every year, the diploma exhibition unites different positions and artistic media in the Corona year 2020. The classical media such as painting range from realistic portraits to the extension of the picture quarter into the room. In the sculptural works, the trend away from the individual form towards additive arrangements involving various media continues. Since the appointment of Carsten Nicolai, and with the influence of guest professors Susan Philipsz and Nevin Aladag, the show has been enriched by sound works and performances that interpret the sound spreading out in space as a pictorial element.
The 36 diploma students of this year's class are concerned with analog traditional craftsmanship techniques as well as digitally generated images. With their works they react to an increasingly complex world with its problems, distortions and beauty, without letting art become pure illustration.

Diploma exhibition

Duration of exhibition: 26 September - 1 November 2020
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11 - 18 o'clock
Place: Octagon. Art Gallery of the HfBK Dresden
Georg-Treu-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden


Note: The annual fine arts exhibition is postponed to the second half of January 2021.


Opening Hours

Mi – So | 11 –18 Uhr