Detlef Schweiger - Lineamente

05.01.2018 — 04.02.2018

Detlef Schweiger "dramat IX", 2015, 100 x 78 cm
Lavur+Lineament on handmade paper

About: Detlef Schweiger

Born 1958 in Düsseldorf | Childhood and youth in Dresden | 1979-84 Studies in Art Education/Design Theory/Painting/Graphics at the Humboldt University, Berlin | lives and works since 1986 self-employed at the artist house in Dresden-Loschwitz | Managing various multimedia projects et al The Wall Inside Berlin 1990 | since 2000 yearly Morphonic Lab at the Palais Großer Garten, Dresden | since 1986 Managing the Sound-Video-Performance-Collective SARDH | since 1984 original graphical books and sound recordings in own publishing house and various publishers| 2015 Dresdner Kunst- und Wissenschaftspreis | Exhibitions et al at Berlin, Bonn, Celle, Chemnitz, Coburg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Frankenthal, Frankfurt/M, Görlitz, Hamburg, Jena, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Leipzig, Nürnberg, Ostfiltern, Regensburg, Radebeul Bratislava (Hungary), Brüssel (Belgium), Cleveland, Columbus, Ohio (USA), Juarez (Mexico), Krakau, Zgorzelec (Poland), London (Great Britain), Luxembourg, Paris (France), Prag (Czech), Sharjah (United Arabic Emirates), St.Petersburg (Russia) | Nummerous works in public and private collections


Opening Hours

Fr. & Sa.12-20 Uhr, So. 12-18 Uhr