04.05.2022 — 03.06.2022

Kunsthaus Dresden invites you to the second kick-off of the project CAMPUS Kantine at the robotron-canteen, which is a transdisciplinary project carried out by project groups of the Dresden University of Fine Arts.


From May to June, a temporary campus for students of the Dresden University of Fine Arts will be created. In a group process, the outdoor area of the canteen will become a workshop for applied theater studies, a laboratory for painting as theater in public space, and the stage for a mural (large-scale mural painting in public space) in the middle of the city of Dresden.


"Reckoning with the earth"

The recipe is simple: get out of the university to a public place with the themes associated with it. The canteen was the place of common meal of those who made computers, in which all kinds of raw materials found in the earth are still used today. Digitality comes out of the earth and also goes back into it as waste. Based on this, it is about large and small systems of digestion and metabolism. Food and earth, the canteen and concrete, the wall as an invitation to a painterly exploration of an image as a representation of reality.


From May 4 to May 6, in a paint kitchen set up on site on the terrace of the canteen, students will make paints from earths they have previously gathered in open-cast mining in Lusatia and other places near Dresden. In the weeks that follow, a mural is created as a durational performance. From June 1 to 3, a final celebration of the painting and performances will take place.


Participants in the project "Reckoning with the Earth" are the following institutions of the Dresden University of Fine Arts:

The Workshop for Applied Theater Studies Stefanie Wenner, the Class for Scenic Painting Maren Greinke, the Workshop for Painting Technique Maja Drachsel, with Yvonne Dick, Paul Vogler, Marie Waltemode, Claudine Walter, Lea Mila Weinert, Katharina Wilhelm, Diana Berndt, Wiebke Breitenfeld, Yeonwoo Chang, Till Lukas Fiedler, Kathrin Frech, Victoria Gentsch, Celina Maria Harder, Maria Heidler, Lucia Hochmuth, Hyemin Ji, Sanghee Kim, Luise Kleuser, Nelly Lübcke, Pauline Munique, Annike Nannt, Charlotte Panzner, Georg Ruppelt, Gregor Albert Scharf, Kim Josephine Schölch, Tommaso Tezzele.


"Reckoning with the Earth" is a project within the framework of CAMPUS Kantine, an art project of the Förderverein Freundeskreis Kunsthaus Dresden e. V. in public space. CAMPUS Kantine is dedicated to the history of the area around the robotron canteen and the new neighborhood that is being created here. It is sponsored by the Stiftung Kunstfonds as part of Neustart Kultur and is a teaching project in the context of the European university alliance EU4ART. The Dresden University of Fine Arts is a cooperation partner of the project "Reckoning with the Earth".


With the CAMPUS Kantine project, art in the best sense pitches its tents on the site, engages in artistic highway robbery, and is present from March to November 2022 with events and guided tours, depending on the weather.