CAMPUS Kantine - Kunst an der Baustelle

21.03.2022 — 27.11.2022

CAMPUS Kantine - Kunst an der Baustelle
CAMPUS Kantine

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum /Art in public space

mit / with Bettina Allamoda, Christian Göthner, Antje Meichsner, Wilhelm Klotzeck, Kathrin Rothe, Ina Weise, Klasse Carsten Nicolai, Studio Knut Klaßen, Werkstatt für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Stefanie Wenner mit der Klasse für Szenische Malerei Maren Greinke & Collaborators / HfBK Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden, Kadija de Paula & Chico Togni mit / with FELL in Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaboration with DesignBuildStudio des Lehrstuhls Entwerfen und Konstruieren II der TU Dresden, Netzwerk Ostmodern, 414 films, Louis Volkmann

With art on the facade of the canteen and in public spaces and the urban art project #eyeswideforlove on the building fence of the site CAMPUS Kantine invites you for conversation—and active participation.

What historical caesuras, but also what opportunities are associated with the emergence of a new neighborhood in the heart of the city, located close to the Hygiene Museum, the stadium and the Great Garden? The area, which before 1989 was the most important location of the East German computer manufacturer and information technology company robotron and was co-designed in the 1970s with the significant participation of artists, has undergone several farreaching modifications and changes of ownership in the past decades.
While large parts of the former robotron site have already disappeared, the robotron canteen still retains wall designs by Eberhard Wolff and a parapet of shaped concrete designed by Friedrich Kracht, who together with Karl-Heinz Adler artistically gave a shape to an entire era of urban development in the GDR. Now a new urban district is being built adjacent to it—construction work has begun. With the CAMPUS Kantine project, art figuratively pitches its tents on site, engages in an artistic camping, and is from March to November 2022—depending on the weather conditions—also present events and guided tours.

The entrance is free

We look forward to your visit and to meeting you!


CAMPUS Kantine - a project of the Förderverein Freundeskreis Kunsthaus Dresden e.V.

The temporary use takes place in cooperation and with the kind permission of Gateway Real Estate AG, which is the owner:in the robotron canteen and is developing the new
urban district is being developed.