Botond Keresztesi // J.P.G. (Jurassic Park Genetics)

14.02.2019 — 03.03.2019

Botond Keresztesi // J.P.G. (Jurassic Park Genetics)
OPENING Thursday, February 14, 5-10 pm!!

Schimmel Projects - Art Centre Dresden is pleased to open its exciting 2019-season with the solo exhibition “J.P.G. (Jurassic Park Genetics)” by Romanian artist Botond Keresztesi. The exhibition will present a new series of work dealing with human relations, technology, nature and techno-mutations, giving a twisted and multisided view on contemporary society and culture. Botond Keresztesi received his MFA from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2012 and has since then exhibited widely international. He is represented by Future Gallery in Berlin.

"Botond Keresztesi's recent work are undoubtedly pointing to the fact that technology is non-human. In order to give support to his bold artistic statement, he provides the metaphor of arthropods by which we can rethink our contemporary techno-cultural conditions from a radically non-anthropocentric point of view. By doing so, Keresztesi unwittingly evokes the thoughts of the media theorist Jussi Parrika, who, in his visionary book entitled "Insect Media: An Archeology of Animals and Technology", provides us with a genuine media historical narrative that leads us from the sheer metaphor of "media as insects" to the radical concept of "insects as media”. As much as Parrika encourages us to dehumanize our media culture, Keresztesi’s pre-historical arthropod creatures are also providing a deeply non-humanist phenomenology of the world that lies beyond the dialectical opposition of nature and technology. In fact, the insects, scorpions and their techno-mutant alterations depicted in his works are also becoming self-referential metaphors of painting and art itself, of a new kind of perception that is highly sophisticated and yet not necessarily human."

Text by Zsolt Miklósvölgy

We are very proud to present Botond Keresztesi for the first time in Dresden, and we kindly thank Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz Dresden, Liebelt Stiftung Hamburg, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, der Stiftung Kunst und Musik für Dresden, Freundeskreis der HfBK Dresden, Netzwerk Kreativ and Studentenwerk Dresden for supporting the exhibition.

Exhibition duration: 14.2. -  3.3. 2019

Opening hours: Fr - So 2 - 5 pm

Schimmel Projects - Art Centre Dresden 

Großenhainer Str. 61 - 63, 01127 Dresden


Opening Hours
