Blue - Martin Kuriš

20.01.2023 — 05.03.2023

Blue - Martin Kuriš
The exhibition of paintings and wooden sculptures by the artist and pedagogue Martin Kuriš at riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden in the Runde Ecke gallery is opened from January 20 to March 5. Martin Kuriš is an author who lives in the Czech-German border area in the countryside in the former Sudetenland. He paints stories in this landscape.
The author is engaged in painting and woodcarving. His work is narrative. He creates stories. One of them is exhibited in the Runde Ecke gallery. Martin Kuriš brings winter to Dresden. He exhibits paintings with a winter theme, in the gallery space he places wooden sculptures that he carved from linden and alder wood that grew in his home countryside. The exhibition also includes the publication of a Czech-German publication, which has the same name as the exhibition - Blau.
The book contains 170 illustrations, some painted as a picture on canvas, some as small illustrations on paper. The text has been translated into German and visitors to the exhibition can purchase the story and take it away as a souvenir.
The book was published in cooperation with riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden, the UJEP Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem and the Czech-German Future Fund.

Artist Martin Kuriš
Curator Frank Eckhardt

Exhibition duration 14 January to 5 March 2023
Vernissage Friday, 13th January 2023 at 7 pm
Opening hours Mon-Fri 4-7 pm and Mon+Thu 10-1 pm