02.08.2024 — 28.08.2024

Frenzy Höhne, BESSERMENSCHEN ©VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024

Advertising wherever you look. On every thing on the street, in the letterbox, on the internet, in emails, on your mobile phone... Capitalism knows no mercy; everything and everyone has to be optimised or renewed at all times. But can we ignore what is written everywhere and is the drill really without consequences for our perception?

In a series of small sculptures, artist Frenzy Höhne presents us with the BESSERMENSCHEN, who have settled into their perfect everyday lives in a world of goods shelves. The illustrious figures appear to us as consumers, laden with white shopping bags labelled with current advertising slogans, thematising the never-ending self-optimisation and eternal search for happiness and fulfilment in our society.


Opening Hours

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