21st International Dresden Summer Academy for Visual Arts 22.07.2018 - 04.08.2018

22.07.2018 — 04.08.2018

21st International Dresden Summer Academy for Visual Arts 22.07.2018 - 04.08.2018
The International Dresden Summer Academy for Viual Arts was founded by the art association riesa efau in 1998. Since then, more than 3500 participants and lecturers from various countries have been our guests for two annual summer weeks full of artistic workshops and events. In the comparably short time span of 21 years, the Academy was able to expand its programme continuously. This could be achieved not least because of the huge public interest in both the course instructors, as well as the accompanying programme with lectures, excursions, screenings and exhibitions. Our course programme for 2018 offers an inspiring, professional and entertaining encounter with numerous high-profile artists, a fascinating supporting programme and an exchange program for realizing a free participation of young international artists.


Opening Hours

Mi-Fr 15-19 Uhr Sa-So 14-18 Uhr